Advanced Configurations

Network Operator Deployment with Admission Controller

The Admission Controller can be optionally included as part of the Network Operator installation process. It has the capability to validate supported Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs), which currently include NicClusterPolicy and HostDeviceNetwork. By default, the deployment of the admission controller is disabled. To enable it, you must set operator.admissionController.enabled to true.

Enabling the admission controller provides you with two options for managing certificates. You can either utilize the cert-manager for generating a self-signed certificate automatically, or, alternatively, provide your own self-signed certificate.

To use cert-manager, ensure that operator.admissionController.useCertManager is set to true. Additionally, make sure that you deploy the cert-manager before initiating the Network Operator deployment.

If you prefer not to use the cert-manager, set operator.admissionController.useCertManager to false, and then provide your custom certificate and key using operator.admissionController.certificate.tlsCrt and operator.admissionController.certificate.tlsKey.


When using your own certificate, the certificate must be valid for <Release_Name>-webhook-service.<Release_Namespace>.svc, e.g. network-operator-webhook-service.nvidia-network-operator.svc.

Network Operator Deployment with Pod Security Admission

The Pod Security admission controller replaces PodSecurityPolicy, enforcing predefined Pod Security Standards by adding a label to a namespace.

There are three levels defined by the Pod Security Standards : privileged , baseline and restricted.


In case you wish to enforce a PSA to the Network Operator namespace, the privileged level is required. Enforcing baseline or restricted levels will prevent the creation of required Network Operator pods.

If required, enforce PSA privileged level on the Network Operator namespace by running:

kubectl label --overwrite ns nvidia-network-operator

In case that baseline or restricted levels are being enforced on the Network Operator namespace, events for pods creation failures will be triggered:

kubectl get events -n nvidia-network-operator --field-selector reason=FailedCreate
LAST SEEN TYPE    REASON       OBJECT                         MESSAGE
2m36s     Warning FailedCreate daemonset/mofed-ubuntu22.04-ds Error creating: pods "mofed-ubuntu22.04-ds-rwmgs" is forbidden: violates PodSecurity "baseline:latest": host namespaces (hostNetwork=true), hostPath volumes (volumes "run-mlnx-ofed", "etc-network", "host-etc", "host-usr", "host-udev"), privileged (container "mofed-container" must not set securityContext.privileged=true)

Container Resources

Optional requests and limits can be configured for each component of the sub-resources deployed by the Network Operator by setting the parameter containerResources.

For example, for the SR-IOV Device Plugin:

kind: NicClusterPolicy
  name: nic-cluster-policy
    - name: "sriov-device-plugin"
        cpu: "200m"
        memory: "150Mi"
        cpu: "300m"
        memory: "300Mi"